Dr. Ioannis N. Theodorakis

Mitropoleos 46 - 48

Thessaloniki, P.K. 54622

Call us

Clinic Tel. +30.2310.254174

Working Hours

Mon - Thu: 17:30 - 21:00



Extracorporeal Lithotripsy (ESWL)

Extracorporeal lithotripsy is based on the use of high frequency shock waves generated by electrical discharge or by the use of a metal membrane which is vibrated by an electromagnetic field.

There are also devices that use piezoelectric elements but are less common.

In all cases, the shock wave is transmitted in a quantity of water through a mirror that collects the shock beam at the point of the stone. The stone begins to vibrate and crumble from the outside to the inside of the wave entry and exit area.

The discovery of the stone can be achieved by X-ray or ultrasound.

The lithotripsy system of the General Clinic offers both options so that it can be used in children without the burden of radiation. ESWL is performed with intravenous analgesia and the patient can be discharged from the clinic 2 hours later.

Extracorporeal lithotripsy has been used successfully in hundreds of thousands of patients around the world and has proven to be a safe and effective method, that if applied to the right indications in the right way and by specialized doctors, it has high success rates.

It can also be repeated several times in the same kidney without causing functional damage.


The clinic will operate normally from 21/04/2020 and hours 17:30 – 21:00 from Monday to Thursday in accordance with the instructions of the Panhellenic Medical Association for the use of personal protection measures against the Covid-19 coronavirus.

The Clinic uses a Philips AC0820 / 10 air purifier that removes up to 99.9% of COVID19 viruses and aerosols from the air.