Dr. Ioannis N. Theodorakis

Mitropoleos 46 - 48

Thessaloniki, P.K. 54622

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Clinic Tel. +30.2310.254174

Working Hours

Mon - Thu: 17:30 - 21:00

10 Reasons why the Prostate Concerns all Men

The opinion that prostate screening concerns only older men is proving outdated. In addition to its basic function, the prostate affects both the reproductive process and the enjoyment of love-making.


The prostate is a chestnut-sized gland located between the bladder and the penis. The urethra passes through the prostate and there is the seminal vesicle, where the ejaculation takes place.


The main function of the prostate is to produce semen that is slightly alkaline and protects the sperm from the acidic environment of the urethra and vagina. It also contains substances that supply energy to the sperm in their direction towards the egg. Only when this fluid composition is correct can a man have children. Also, the prostate plays an important role in the pleasure of the man, as a male G spot.


An important role in the function of the prostate is carried out by its muscles (smooth muscle fibers). These muscles help to seal the neck of the bladder so that urine does not mix with the sperm during ejaculation. At the same time, they seal the seminal vesicles that connect the prostate to the testicles, in order to avoid the passage of urine to the testicles.


One of the mild “dysfunctions” of the prostate is its irritation from anxiety, stress and sedentary lifestyle. Symptoms include: pain that starts in the prostate and reflects up to the foreskin, stinging when urinating and frequent urination.


Another problem that affects the prostate is bacterial prostatitis. It is an inflammation caused by germs that enter the body through the urethra, usually during sexual intercourse. Proper and timely diagnosis and treatment must be made to avoid chronic prostatitis.


During their mid thirties, men experience an increase in prostate tissue, the so-called “benign prostatic hyperplasia” (BPH). If the prostate grows too large, it presses on the urethra, preventing the flow of urine, not emptying the bladder completely and leaving urine residue. Although CKD is not directly related to erectile function, there is a problem with sexual function due to other side effects.


Prostate exams are performed as follows:

Α. Finger palpation, where the doctor examines the prostate through the rectum to diagnose its size and texture.
Β. With the special high definition corrective ultrasound.
Γ. With the examination of PSA in the blood.
Δ. With urometry in order to diagnose possible urethral obstruction.


Many men, underestimating the initial symptoms of bacterial prostatitis or CKD, rush to the urologist for an examination when the condition has become worse, which makes treatment difficult. After all, there are many who avoid surgical treatment, because they are afraid of possible urinary incontinence or impotence. However, it is not yet widely known that the treatment improves sexual function and in addition the use of laser beams and the correct surgical technique, reduce incontinence to zero.


If treatment is started at an early stage, CKD can be treated with various herbal preparations or medicines. In general, today in 92% of CKD cases the treatment is done through the urethra, ie without incision, with the use of an auger or even better with the use of laser beams. The operation is painless and bloodless.


With regard to prostate cancer, the treatment is carried out by surgical removal of all tissue and lymph nodes. If the surgical technique is correct, sexual function can be maintained and urinary incontinence can be avoided by complete treatment of the patient.

The clinic will operate normally from 21/04/2020 and hours 17:30 – 21:00 from Monday to Thursday in accordance with the instructions of the Panhellenic Medical Association for the use of personal protection measures against the Covid-19 coronavirus.

The Clinic uses a Philips AC0820 / 10 air purifier that removes up to 99.9% of COVID19 viruses and aerosols from the air.