Dr. Ioannis N. Theodorakis

Mitropoleos 46 - 48

Thessaloniki, P.K. 54622

Call us

Clinic Tel. +30.2310.254174

Working Hours

Mon - Thu: 17:30 - 21:00



Preventive Control – What I need to know

Preventive examination of the man should be carried out annually from the age of 45. Men who have a case of prostate cancer in 1st or 2nd degree relatives should be checked annually from the age of 30.

The view that prostate screening should be done only in older men turns out to be outdated.
In addition to its basic function, the prostate affects both the reproductive process and the enjoyment of lovemaking.

Preventive control includes:

Also, immediate urological examination is required for patients who have the following symptoms:


The clinic will operate normally from 21/04/2020 and hours 17:30 – 21:00 from Monday to Thursday in accordance with the instructions of the Panhellenic Medical Association for the use of personal protection measures against the Covid-19 coronavirus.

The Clinic uses a Philips AC0820 / 10 air purifier that removes up to 99.9% of COVID19 viruses and aerosols from the air.